Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Passing Through Boston On The Way To Who-Knows-Where

"As the traveler who has lost his way, throws his reins on his horse’s neck, and trusts to the instinct of the animal to find his road, so must we do with the divine animal who carries us through this world." - Ralph Waldo Emerson from "The Poet"

As promised, I'm posting photos from my trip to Boston a couple weeks back. However, I've been staring at this computer screen for a good hour and a half figuring out what to write about my trip. I suppose I have a mild case of "writer's block."

I thought, well....I could sit here and run through all of the fun times that were had, like...
...sitting in a pub listening to an Irish band cover very non-Irish bands

...sipping milkshakes (on a wintry-cold day) while sitting in an oversized teacup

...eating lobster rolls & oysters at B&G Oyster House

...drinking bottles of really great wine (here & here)

...watching football in Boston's oldest bar

...traipsing through the North End on a rainy, windy night

...preventing food comas by following a huge meal with espresso & sambucca

Or maybe I could tell you about how we accidentally stumbled upon Obama's motorcade or the way to lunch.... (He happened to be in town for a fundraiser for Gov. Deval Patrick. His visit spurred some impromptu protests outside of the Westin.)

Or I could tell you about how I had always wanted to visit I almost transferred to Berklee College of Music my sophomore year of I almost moved to Boston or Providence after graduation. I could tell you that I was going to Boston to "see what I missed" see what things might have been like if I made other choices....

Or I could tell you how great it was to hang out with friends, with whom I can talk about anything...and laugh & eat & drink....and drink....with...

Or maybe I could talk about how great it was just to get away and have fun.

The thing is, I can't really pick any one of those things to write about because this trip didn't have "a purpose." It was planned on a whim, and it played out in a whirl. Friends & family asked why I was going, and I had little reason to tell them other than, "Why not?"

It's funny because I only found the reason(s) for the trip after I was there. As I mentioned in my last post, I have a lot of big questions to ponder right now. The trip was another reminder to just throw my reins on the horse's neck & listen to the cues of the universe. (Man, I've been having a lot of those reminders lately...)

So anyway, "that's all I got." Since I'm in the middle of my journey to wherever the heck I'm going, I can't tell you much more...other than the ride's been fun so far & I trust the universe -- this divine animal -- to carry me through. And as for Boston: "I Wuz There." See the photos for proof.

1 comment:

comoprozac said...

Those are the best kinds of trips. Good for you.

On a side note, if you want the entire YouTube video to fit on your blog without getting cut off, you can change the height and width in the code. Just make sure to use the same proportions.

Oh, and nice Rachels track. Your 'Ville-ian you.